Monday, November 16, 2009

I have a Loaner EV !

I mentioned in my last post that I am going without a car until I can finish my EV Beetle conversion.  Kyle Dansie of Zero Emission Vehicles of Utah noticed the post, and thought he could help out.

Turns out his nicely converted 1994 Volkswagon Golf is not being driven much lately by either him and his conversion partner Michael Mielke. Dansie offered me the car to drive for a month with the only requirement that I write about it and show it around to promote electric vehicles. Needless to say, there was no hesitation on that deal.

It will be great to experience a converted car while I am doing my own.  I'll be able to incorporate things that I like, or avoid things that I don't.  It will be invaluable to examine the details of Kyle's work while working through my own issues.

Use the link above to see photos and stats for the car. Stay tuned for more about the experience, charging, costs, and photos.

Thanks Kyle and Michael for your generosity!

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